Which shrimp should be saved? Interview with municipal councilor Henrik Sundström (M) Uddevalla

10 January, 2024

When two large wind farms were planned in the sea on the Swedish west coast, the shrimp fishermen became worried that they would no longer be able to trawl for shrimp. The trawlers managed to get the Uddevalla municipal board involved in the unrest and together they started a campaign they called “Save the shrimp”. The only question is – which shrimp and from whom should it be saved?

Underwater photographer Tobias Dahlin, who dives on the Swedish west coast basically all year round, got angry and called municipal councilor Henrik Sundström (M).

Henrik Sundström said, among other things, that the Gullmarsfjorden was more his than Tobias’, and that bottom trawling was not at all harmful to the bottoms. Here you can listen to the entire telephone conversation between Tobias and Henrik Sundström.

Reportage: Lena Scherman
Editing: Niklas Berglund

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