West coast

The beluga whale that caused a stir in Hunnebostrand could be Hvaldimir – a Russian "spy whale" that escaped from a mission, reports P4 Väst....
Text: Alice Nordevik/TT
Photo: Darryl Dyck/AP/TT
Every year, large amounts of fishing equipment are lost in the sea. In many cases, the equipment continues to fish without anyone taking care of...
Text: Anna Axelsson
photo: Divers Against Ghost Nets
Deep Sea Reporter has visited one of the important institutions in Swedish ocean research. Researchers Kerstin Johannesson and Ann Larsson show us around and talk...
Report: Daniel Hedström
Photo: Leif Eiranson, Tobias Dahlin
In a fishing village in Halland, we follow a family whose life is built around coastal fishing. We get to take part in their everyday...
Report: Alice Asplund, Gina Bäck, Sanna Kalla
Music: Thomas Bäcklund Tuneström, The Chickpeas Band, McKennard
Participants: Lovisa Bengtsdotter, Joakim Ingemarsson, Patrik Ingemarsson, Rosanna Ingemarsson, Frans Ingemar Karlsson
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