South Africa

Every year we're seeing more and more turtle stranding partially because of an increase in awareness but also because there are more extreme weather events,...
Reportage: Jason Boswell
Photo/editing: Jason Boswell
Foto: Two Oceans Aquarium: mass stranding, Devin Trull / Two Oceans Aquarium
Marine Biologist, Dr Tessa Hempson and film-maker, Grant Brokensha, were part of a recent Manta Ray tagging expedition off the South African coast. Mantas have...
Filmed and directed by: Grant Brokensha
Editing: Ruuan Botha
Maybe an odd job even for the accomplished South African free diver Nick Filmalter, but he became an essential part of ensuring the safety of...
Editor: Ida Candert
Videographer: Johan Candert
Underwater photography: Johan Candert, Göran Ehlmé, Jason Boswell
The disappearance of Great White Sharks from False Bay, South Africa, attributed to various factors including predation by orcas, human activities such as longlining fishing...
Reportage: Jason Boswell
Kwanele Mbatha makes a living by subsistence fishing and guiding tourists along South Africa’s Wild Coast but this fragile ecosystem faces the threat of overfishing,...
Reportage: Simon Stanford
Photo: Simon Stanford
Editing: Niklas Berglund
It’s one of the planet’s largest biomass aggregations…an annual migration of sardines up the coast of South Africa. Millions, if not billions, of small fish...
Reportage: Jason Boswell
Photos: Legends of the Tide: The Seine-netters & The Roots of the Durban Fishing Industry by Neelan Govender and Viroshen Chetty
Across the world scientists and biologists are studying a huge variety of dedicated and intricate subjects: jellyfish proteins; fish intelligence and whether octopus dream. On...
Reportage: Jason Boswell
Photography: Jason Boswell
UW-Photography: Jason Boswell, Grant Brokensha
I was really happy with my task, staying on the surface. I truly wanted to snorkel with dolphins, but the sharks made me hesitate. Finally,...
Reportage: Ida Candert
Photography: Ida Candert, Joel Candert, Johan Candert, Nick Filmalter
Edit by: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
South Africa has an incredibly rich diversity of sharks, representing nearly a quarter of all known species, some found nowhere else on the planet....
Reportage: Jason Boswell
BRUV-Footage: Cape RADD
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