
Den tragiska berättelsen om en indonesisk sjöman och hans brutala resa ombord ett kinesiskt bläckfiskfartyg....
Directed by: Ben Blankenship, Ian Urbina
Narration: Ian Urbina
Edit: Ben Blankenship
Photo: Will N. Miller, Ed Ou, Ben Blankenship, Sikhami Denting
Motion Graphics: Drew Evans
Researchers: Ian Urbina, Joe Galvin, Susan Ryan, Daniel Murphy, Austin Brush, maya Martin, Jake Conley, Stephan Foxwell, marcella Boehler, Halie Brown, Molly Wiggins, Ben Blankenship, Raphaela Morais, Adrienne Urbina
Den kinesiska fiskeflottan är en stormakt på havet. De fiskar långt ut till havs där inga länders lagar når och fiskar upp mer än någon...
Text: Ian Urbina/The Outlaw Ocean Project
Photo/Video: Ferdi Arnando, Ed Ou, Ben Blankenship, Jiebriel83, Jessica Reyes, Douyin, Desta Motor 143
Since almost four years ago, we have license hunting on gray seals, since two years on harbor seals and protection hunts on ringed seals since...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Foto: Hans Berggren, Johan Candert/DSR, Alexandre Gobatti/DSR, Kimmo Hagman/DSR,Göran Ehlmé/DSR, Simon Stanford/DSR, Tobias Dahlin/DSR, Ismaele Tortella
Redigering: Alexandre Gobatti
All citizens want fish-rich, healthy seas. The EU is governed democratically. So why are the EU's seas fished out and on the brink of ecological...
Director: Peter Löfgren
Editor: Helena Fredriksson
Cinematographer: Leif Eiransson
EU fisheries ministers exclude the public. The countries' mutual positions are kept secret. We citizens are not allowed to influence the decisions that are decisive...
Reportage: Peter Löfgren
Editing: Helena Fredriksson
Photo: Leif Eiranson
Archive: European Union
We accompanied seal researchers from the University of Gothenburg, to Koster. In the archipelago on the Swedish west coast. Koster is one of the places...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Photo/Editing: Alexandre Ramos Gobatti
Sweden, Finland, and Norway conduct hunting for seals as trophy hunting. In most other countries, hunting of large marine mammals has been prohibited. In the...
Reportage: Daniel Hager/Lena Scherman/Alexandre Gobatti
The fish are running out, the herring and the baltic herring are threatened and the cod is almost completely gone. When there is a competition...
Reportage: Daniel Hager/Lena Scherman/Alexandre Gobatti
When the seal population had collapsed around 1980 and was almost completely extinct, the authorities put an end to all hunting. Seal protection areas were...
Reporter: Lena Scherman
Editing: Alexandre Gobatti/Daniel Hager
Graphics: Daniel Hager
They are extraordinary biodiversity hotspots. They absorb large amounts of CO2 and release oxygen. They fix nitrogen and detoxify the water. They are nurseries for...
Reportage: Ismaele Tortella/Delphin Ruché
Photo: Ismaele Tortella
The New Economics Foundation think tank was able to show in a report already in 2019 that EU countries took 300,000 tons more fish into...
reportage: Daniel Hager, Alexandre Gobatti, Lena Scherman
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