
I am now forbidden to fish for cod and the pike has disappeared from my bay. I'm looking for scapegoats. Who is responsible for the...
Chronicler: Peter Löfgren
Foto: Johan Candert, Simon Stanford
The EU fisheries ministers have in a compromise agreed on this years herring fishing in the Baltic Sea next year. As usual, we can continue...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Animation: Natalia Quintana
The fish are running out, the herring and the baltic herring are threatened and the cod is almost completely gone. When there is a competition...
Reportage: Daniel Hager/Lena Scherman/Alexandre Gobatti
The New Economics Foundation think tank was able to show in a report already in 2019 that EU countries took 300,000 tons more fish into...
reportage: Daniel Hager, Alexandre Gobatti, Lena Scherman
Now it is scientifically confirmed. The number of herring fry is dramatically decreasing in the Stockholm archipelago. Scientists suspect that large-scale industrial fishing is largely...
Reportage: Peter Löfgren, Daniel Hedström
Photo: Leif Eiranson, Kimmo Hagman
Manjula Gullikson is the only female professional fisherman in Västernorrland. But she finds it increasingly difficult to make a living from the profession. Her herring...
Reportage: Louise Frilund, Miranda Lörstad, André Sandberg, Harris Vagelopoulus
Music: André Sandberg, Bensound
One third of all fish caught is thrown overboard or rots before it reaches the consumer - one in three fish is killed unnecessarily...
Text: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Adam Nilsson
Title image: Hanna Teleman/Scanpix/TT
Source: http://www.fao.org/state-of-fisheries-aquaculture/en/
Source: https://www.havochvatten.se/download/18.488610871726fc3fe485a06e/1591606320890/officiellstatistik-JO55SM2001.pdf
Source: https://www.forskning.se/2019/04/25/en-av-tre-ater-aldrig-fisk-och-skaldjur/
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