Evolution at Rocket Speed: “Hopeful” (TT) From big and scared to small and brave - evolution has moved at lightning speed on a small island in the Koster Sea on the... Text: Cecilia Klintö/TT Photo: David Carmelet, Bo Johannesson, Daria Shipilina Research researchgothenburg universitydarwinevolutionmarin ekologistrandsnäckavivipar strandsnäckavivipar beach shellmarine ecology
The harbor seal population is declining – due to fish scarcity Researchers have now established that the harbor seals in the Kosterhavet area are becoming increasingly scarce. Last year, only half of the females gave birth... Text: Lina Mattsson Photo: Daire Carroll/Göteborgs Universitet, Alexandre Gobatti/DSR West coast Ecosystemseal huntingcommon sealshoot the sealharbor sealgothenburg universitythe koster seaWest coast of swedenKarin Hårdingoverfishing
Research submarine disappears under Doomsday Glacier The unmanned underwater vehicle Ran has disappeared under a glacier in Antarctica. "It's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack, but without... Text: Paulina Sörlin/TT Photo: Anna Wåhlin/Göteborgs Universitet Research antarcticaresearch submarineDoomsday Glaciergothenburg university