fishing industry

The conflicts within Swedish fishing are very fierce. Small-scale coastal fishermen on the east and south coasts face a small number of giant trawlers from...
Chronicler: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Ida Åkesson/SPA
In a report from 2020, published by BalticSea2020, the authors believe that large-scale fishing in the Baltic Sea is neither economically nor financially profitable for...
Reportage: Peter Löfgren
Editing: Helena Fredriksson
Photo: Leif Eiranson
In Brussels there are at least 30,000 lobbyists to influence the political decisions. Many of them work for the fishing industry, to ensure that the...
Reportage: Peter Löfgren
Editing: Helena Fredriksson
Photo: Leif Eiranson
The New Economics Foundation think tank was able to show in a report already in 2019 that EU countries took 300,000 tons more fish into...
reportage: Daniel Hager, Alexandre Gobatti, Lena Scherman
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