Fish welfare

Many of us love the sea, the beach, the water, and swimming in the waves, but there are those who care a little more than...
Reportage: Alexandre Ramos Gobatti
Photo: Simon Stanford
Graphics: Daniel Hager
There are more than 400 species of fish being farmed globally. Most of them spend their entire lives in barren conditions. It’s a lifelong suffering....
Reportage: Daniel Hager
Marco Vindas is an Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He conducts research on the neural control of behavior and physiology in...
reportage: Johan Candert
Photo: Simon Stanford
Editing: Daniel Hager
As fish stocks decline in the Baltic Sea, so does competition increase – does anyone have more rights to the fish resource than anyone else?...
Report: Johan Candert
Editing: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos, Daniel Hedström
Photo: Simon Stanford, Erik Saanila
UV Photo: Johan Candert
Stock Photo: Pond5
It can be difficult to distinguish between the different fish in a large shoal in the sea. But the researchers agree that they are teachable...
Reportage: Johan Candert
Photo: Simon Stanford
UV Photo: Johan Candert
Stock Photo: Pond5
Editor: Daniel Hedström, Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
Almost two million Swedes recreational fish, an age-old interest that often leads to commitment to protecting the environment. But science states that fish can feel...
Reporter: Johan Candert
Photo: Simon Stanford
UV Photo: Johan Candert
Editor: Daniel Hedström, Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
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