Climate change

Every year we're seeing more and more turtle stranding partially because of an increase in awareness but also because there are more extreme weather events,...
Reportage: Jason Boswell
Photo/editing: Jason Boswell
Foto: Two Oceans Aquarium: mass stranding, Devin Trull / Two Oceans Aquarium
Mie's research focuses on the evolutionary and behavioral ecology of marine zooplankton. Despite their microscopic size and remote habitat, Mie aims to enhance our understanding...
Reportage: Simon Stanford
Photo: Simon Stanford, Göran Ehlmé
Editing: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
The population of seahorses in Ria Formosa in southern Portugal was probably the largest in the world. But in the mid-2010s, it collapsed, and 95%...
Reportage: Daniel Hager
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