
When the polar bears are forced to spend more time on land than on the ice, the risk of them starving to death increases, a...
Text: Lena Scherman
Photo: Simon Stanford/Deep Sea Reporter
The narwhal is a relatively small arctic toothed whale (4 - 5 meters). It is shy and typically lives in the drift ice around the...
Reportage: Lars Öivind Knutsen 
Photography: Lars Öivind Knutsen, Roberto Lo Monaco, Frederik Wolff Teglhus, Göran Ehlmé
Walruses usually swim in the Arctic, but now a young walrus lies on a pier in Smögen and basks in the sun...
Text: Lena Scherman
Photo: Tommie Rekstad
Editor: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
Underwater photography in Northern Norway heads below the surface to film killer whales and humpback whales eating herring. They also dive at night and meet...
Reportage: Johan Candert
Photo: Simon Stanford
UV-Photo: Johan Candert, Göran Ehlmé, Tobias Dahlin
Editor: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
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