Requirements for less herring fishing in the Baltic Sea
01 June, 2023
Herring fishing in the Baltic Sea should shrink sharply next year, according to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). The stock is at levels close to or below what is considered sustainable.
In the new advice on fishing quotas, Ices proposes that the quota be lowered by 39 percent in the Gulf of Bothnia next year, writes Dagens Nyheter.
For the central Baltic Sea, a reduction of 45 percent is proposed, while the fishing stop for the western Baltic Sea remains fixed.
Swedish researchers who sit in Ices would have preferred to see a total stop to trawling for herring in the Gulf of Bothnia.
In October, the EU’s fisheries ministers will decide how big the fishing quotas for the Baltic Sea will be.
Text: TT/Nyhetsbyrån
Photo: Hasse Holmberg/TT