
An investigation has been handed over to Rural Affairs Minister Peter Kullgren (KD) with proposals for a general ban on bottom trawling in protected sea...
Text: Niklas Svahn/TT
Photo: Berit Roald
During the summer, there have been alarming reports from the Baltic Sea that the herring is running out. The cod is long gone. The party...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Photo: Lars Öivind Knutsen, Roberto Lo Monaco, Göran Ehlmé
Editor: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
In the ReCod project in Ar on Gotland, they have now succeeded in getting cod to spawn in captivity. This by trying to imitate the...
Reportage: Leif Eiranson
Editor: Apollonia Meleouni
We are going to the northern Norwegian fjord Kvänangen approximately 20 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Fishing boats from all over the Norwegian west...
Reportage: Lars-Öivind Knutsen
Photo: Lars Öivind Knutsen, Roberto Lo Monaco, Göran Ehlmé, Simon Stanford, Anders Kronborg
Editor: Apollonia Meleouni, Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
Every year, large amounts of fishing equipment are lost in the sea. In many cases, the equipment continues to fish without anyone taking care of...
Text: Anna Axelsson
photo: Divers Against Ghost Nets
In this video, we hear fisheries consultant Henrik C. Andersson's thoughts on total fishing bans and closed areas. In the supplementary article, we talk further...
Reportage: Johan Candert and Daniel Hedström
Photo: Leif Eiranson
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