Dead Zones - a Baltic Sea in Crisis

23 November, 2023

The Baltic Sea is grappling with a severe ecological crisis primarily marked by oxygen depletion, leading to extensive dead zones. Human activities, including industrial processes and nutrient-rich agricultural runoff, have fueled the growth of algae, contributing to oxygen-starved conditions. These anoxic zones threaten marine life, disrupting ecosystems and fisheries.

The problem has deepened over decades, making recovery a formidable challenge. Efforts to reduce nutrient loads and tackle industrial impacts are crucial, but the complexity of the issue is compounded by high shipping traffic and tourism pressure. A holistic, long-term solution is imperative to revive the Baltic Sea’s health and sustain its ecosystems, emphasizing the critical intersection of environmental science, conservation, and human activities in this fragile marine ecosystem.

reportage: Daniel Hager/Lena Scherman

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