Baltic Sea

A rift has emerged in the government between the Social Democrats and the Green Party. The Social Democrats have changed their footing on the issue...
Text: Owe Nilsson/Lars Larsson/TT
Photo: Magnus Martinsson/Naturfotograferna/BL Bildbyrå/TT
Algal blooms in the Baltic Sea are fertilized by nutrient releases. Emissions have been successfully combated in recent years. But - are vital cyanobacteria threatened...
Report: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Simon Stanford, Leif Eiranson, Johan Candert, Hans Berggren
Hear Johan Rönnby talk about marine archaeology, and about the Baltic Sea's unique ability to preserve old wrecks...
Feature: Deep Sea Reporter
Text: Daniel Hedström
Photo: Leif Eiranson
Reportage from course participants at the Red Cross Folk High School's documentary film line...
Features: Johan Ahlberg, Linn Bassman, Adrian Flensburg, Mathilda Lindgren
Photo: Johan Candert, Michael Palmgren, Robert Westerberg
Archive material: Alan Toth, SVT Uppland
Graphic: Baltic Sea Centre (Stockholm University)
According to many who work with the sea and wildlife, the cormorant causes significantly worse problems than those that we humans experience above the surface...
Report: Daniel Hedström
Photo: Simon Stanford, Leif Eiranson, Robert Westerberg
Never before have there been so many different chemicals in our world. The production of plastics, pesticides and not least pharmaceuticals has created a chemical...
Report: Martin Widman
Photo: Leif Eiranson and Robert Westerberg
Archive: Pond5
Eutrophication is the biggest and most pressing environmental issue for the Baltic Sea, even today. Several major efforts are underway to address the problems, but...
Report: Martin Widman
Photo: Leif Eiranson, Robert Westerberg, Johan Candert
Music: Audionetwork
The Baltic coast has undergone a regime change, write researchers at Stockholm University in a new study. The inland sea, where pike and perch dominate...
Text: Martin Widman
Seal researchers are now concerned that there are fewer grey seals in the Stockholm archipelago. A contributing factor may be the new license hunt...
Reportage: Johan Candert
Photo: Simon Stanford och Jeppe Gustafsson/TT Nyhetsbyrån
Editor: Kajsa Grandell
The number of seabirds in the Baltic Sea has declined sharply over the past 20 years. Reportage with bird researcher Kjell Larsson, Linnaeus University...
Reportage: Tell Aulin & Martin Widman
Photo: Oskar Pedersen, Kjell Larsson & Leif Eiranson
New discoveries open unknown nursery for the Baltic Sea's most important predatory fish - Ålandstorsken...
Report: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Simon Stanford
Photo: Leif Eiranson
Header image: Tryggve Karlsen/NTB Scanpix/TT
For thousands of years there have been porpoises in the Baltic Sea - a shy dolphin-like whale. But due to environmental toxins and fishing, their...
Reportage: Martin Widman and Björn Hagberg
Header image: Martin Almqvist
Porpoise video: Jens Peder Jeppesen, Öresundsarkivet
Header image: Martin Almqvist
Sweden's favorite fish has become a starving dwarf...
Report: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Leif Eiranson
Editor: Kajsa Grandell
Photo: Lars Laursen/TT
There are fifty times more sticklebacks in the Baltic Sea today than in the late 1980s. The small fish threatens the regrowth of the pike...
Report: Martin Widman
Photo: Leif Eiranson, Johan Candert, Ulf Bergström, Robert Westerberg
Header image: Magnus Martinsson/TT
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