Baltic Sea

It sneaks out oil and fills Russia's war coffers. It is suspected of spying on Sweden. And it is feared that at any time it...
Text: Martin Mederyd Hårdh/TT
Photo: Dmitri Lovetsky/AP/TT
It is early morning sometime late winter last year. Out on the islands in the Skarv archipelago in the sea belt outside Stockholm, female seals...
reportage/redigering: Kajsa Grandell
The Baltic Sea is grappling with a severe ecological crisis primarily marked by oxygen depletion, leading to extensive dead zones. Human activities, including industrial processes...
reportage: Daniel Hager/Lena Scherman
NASA has identified several hundred marine dead zones around the world. A dead zone is an area in the ocean where the oxygen level is...
Reportage: Daniel Hager
Research: Loke Nyberg
For an extended period, the cod population in the Baltic Sea has been facing severe challenges. Overfishing and environmental issues have taken a toll on...
Reportage: Johan Candert
Photo: Simon Stanford, Daniel Hager
UW-Photo: Johan Candert
Edit by: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
Dive into the world of underwater filmmaking with Johan Candert and Göran Ehlmé as they share their captivating experiences with seals through five years of...
Reportage: Johan Candert
Underwater photo: Göran Ehlmé, Johan Candert
Photo: Leif Eiranson, Simon Stanford, Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
Drone: Robert Westerberg
Editor: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
Join Johan Candert for a dive into 'The Secret Life of the Seal' and the challenges of nature filmmaking....
Reportage: Johan Candert
Underwater photo: Johan Candert, Göran Ehlmé
Photo: Simon Stanford, Leif Eiranson
Drone photo: Robert Westerberg
Editor: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
Cod is one of the most important fish species in the Baltic Sea, but it is not doing well! Large areas of low-oxygen bottoms, decades...
Reportage: Leif Eiranson
Text: Hjalmar Palmgren
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